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12     California Outdoors and In


There was cake, ice cream 'n everything at the fifth Domino birthday dinner dance given in the Cocoanut Grove on a recent Monday evening. About six hundred guests attended the gala affair. Ben Bard was master of ceremonies of the special entertainment program. Sam Ash and Ruth Roland sang tuneful solos for the affair and Mia Marvin and George Kelsey presented several dance team numbers. Mrs. Mary V. Wheat was responsible for the success of the party.

During a dance intermission of the Phil Harris orchestra, the gigantic Domino birthday cake was wheeled out on the floor and Mary Forbes with the assistance of the Maitre d'hotel Jimmy Manos presented pieces of the cake to the celebrators as they danced by.

Among those who attended the Domino birthday party were: Messrs. and Mesdames Pat de Cicco, Warren Williams, Ben Piazza, Kenneth Thompson, Charles Canfield, Joseph Cawthorne, Jessie Carter Riley, Norman McLeod, George Marion Sr., Ned Sparks, Edmund Breese; Misses Georgia Fifield, Alden Gay, Elsie Janis, Mary Brian, Thelma Todd, Kay Thompson, Anita Page, Minna Gombel, Jeannette Loff, Viviene Tobin, Patricia Janss, Mary Craven, Anna Q. Nilsson, Una Merkel, Viola Dana, Jeannette Reid, Lois Wilson, Sarah Padden, Jane Grey, May Robson, Maude Fulton; Messrs. Gene Raymond, Ralph Graves, Frank Parker, Red Booth, Lucky Baldwin, Jack Oakie, Bob Gilbert.


"Maureen O'Sullivan Night" was celebrated in the Ambassador Cocoanut Grove on a recent Tuesday night. The lovely Irish actress attended with Mr. John Farrow. Maureen O'Sullivan dolls decorated the tables and Phil Harris and his orchestra played special music for the affair. Arthur Jarrett, Cocoanut Grove tenor, sang a program of Irish songs for the occasion.


Mr. and Mrs. S. Alexander Magnus of New York and Los Angeles entertained with a brilliant dinner dance in the Ambassador Cocoanut Grove on a recent Tuesday evening. Myriads of early spring blossoms formed a lovely centerpiece which enhanced the charming table appointments. The dessert was served from a glittering sculptured ice-piece.

Among the guests were: Princess Pignatelli d'Aragon of Cannes; Mons. J. C. Brazell of Paris; and Messrs. and Mesdames Hugh Herbert, Harry Lachman, Ben L. Frank; Misses Jean Magnus, Gertrude Livingston; Messrs. Myles Connolley, Ralph Spence, Jack Francis.


Little Club members staged their final gala affair in their Soiree Salon at the Ambassador on Saturday, April 29th. The Little Club has experienced a gay round of colorful parties this season. The last Little Club party topped all previous affairs with the following celebrities gracing the attendance list: Gloria Swanson, Lothar Mendez, William Powell, Richard Barthelmess, Carole Lombard, Joan Bennett, Gene Markey, Eddie Mannix, Daisy Parsons, Louella Parsons, Dr. Harry Martin, Clark Gable, Maureen O'Sullivan, Richard Arlen, Jobyna Ralston, Ginger Rogers, Lew Ayres, Billy Bakewell, Buddy Rogers, Sally Blaine, Bruce Cabot, Robert Anstead and others.


MORTON DOWNEY accompanied by sister-in-law Joan Bennett (at left) and his wife, Barbara Bennett is debated between tapped and bottled on the Cocoanut Grove menu as seen above. Downey visited the Cocoanut Grove to dance to Phil Harris' music and listen to his good friend, Art Jarrett, sing. He also taught Dorothy Lee his famous whistle which is his trademark. The picture below was snapped just before the Domino's fifth birthday cake was served to the celebrators at the Domino Dinner dance held in the Cocoanut Grove recently. Prominent Dominos (left to right) with cake are: Mary Forbes, Minna Gombel, Thelma Todd, and Mrs. Lawrence Wheat. Maitre d'Hotel Jimmy Manos is handing them the cake knife. Billy Haines, seated in front, lent color to the affair with his dancing.


Among the smartest bridge luncheon events of late was the meeting of the Dutch Treat Bridge Club in the French Room of the Ambassador. The Ambassador Continental Luncheon was served the guests followed by an afternoon of bridge on the card porch of the hotel.

Among those present were: Princess Pignatelli d'Aragon; Mesdames Franklyn K. Lane Jr., Hunt Stromberg, Edward
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