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14     California Outdoors and In

[[image]] Now Low Summer
Vacation Fares to the 
Sail on the majestic
President Hoover or
President Coolidge

Of all the fascinating places you might visit this summer none could be more entertaining than the Orient. And with the low vacation round trip fares now in effect on the President Liners, none offers so much for so very little money. Ask your travel agent to tell you about the reduced fares on the magnificent President Hoover and President Coolidge, newest, finest trans-Pacific liners. Also about the unique stopover privileges made possible by President Liners' weekly sailings
...And about special Conducted Tours.

[[image]] Sail via Panama,
Havana and New York
to Chicago
Add a famous sea voyage to your World's Fair trip

Here is a [[italics]] short[[/italics]]  vacation trip you cannot equal. Imagine 14 days on a famous President Liner; on sunny decks, planned for sports - in an outdoor swimming pool. In thrilling foreign cities... And at the Century of Progress Exposition! Sail to New York, via the Panama Canal and Havana by President Liner. Then come home overland, stopping over as long as you like at Chicago, over you choice of rail routes. The First Class fare is only $300, Tourist $220, hometown to hometown... Fortnightly sailings eastbound from San Francisco and Los Angeles. Weekly sailings westbound - so that you may go east by rail if you prefer, return by President Liner. [[italics]] See any travel agent, or... [[/italics]]

514 West Sixth St., Los Angeles MUtual 4321
Broadway Pier, San Diego  FRanklin 6581



(Continued from Page 8)
sets from the film capitol at Hollywood.

The bus ride of the Phil Harris boys to Palm Springs was eventful. Good fellowship prevailed with Maestro Harris sitting in the front of the car, looking like a sight-seeing guide, reeling out witticisms through a megaphone. Near him sat columnist Jimmy Starr enjoying the impromptu monologues contributed by singer Arthur (Wimpy) Jarrett, Assistant Manager Howard Rossington, Frank (Brambly) Remley, Ralph (Cinderella) Dadisman, Bill (You-know something) Fletcher and other overlooked Ed Wynnes. Radio announcer Tom Hanlon listened in from his bus chair as did Jack Smith, Martin Spurzell, Max Wanowski, Johnny Smedberg, Judd Ferguson, Irving Shulkin, Dick Ferestad, Frank Denke and the rest of us. At Four A.M. the boys had a light meal at San Bernardino. The trip was continued and the bus arrived at Palm Springs at seven o'clock Sunday morning. Mr. Wilson was the official greeter who took the musical athletes to breakfast in the Desert Inn Coffee Shop.

Following breakfast some of the boys played tennis, some cycled to church, others went horseback riding while many went to bed in their luxurious bungalows at the Desert Inn. Lunch was served at two in the afternoon. Tom Hanlon ordered an Orange Surprise being somewhat of an explorer. Others ordered just Oyster Cocktails while selection of the main course varied. All voted the luncheon one of the most delicious they had ever eaten. Then came the baseball game on the Desert Inn Diamond.

Leah Ray, Mrs. Leah Hubbard, and Julie Carter who had flown to Palm Springs with Major Walter Parkins were among the chief rooters at the game. Little Walda Winchell was head cheer leader for the Phil Harris Pill Pasters. Louise Bromlette Roberson led the yells for the Dunes team. At three o'clock referee Ben L. Frank, togged in swimming suit and carrying a horse pistol, called "Batter Up!" Art Jarrett batted first for the Ambassadors. Going scoreless in the first inning the Phil Harris boys took the field with Jarrett pitching and Tom Hanlon catching. During the game Jack Smith, singer, made two home runs. Lester Frank umpired.
(Continued on Page 17)