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April, 1933                   15 

WING ON! AMERICA! Exemplifying the spirit of the National Air Races, a giant tri-motored passenger plane is seen flying over the Los Angeles City Hall. 

Attention! Those attending the NATIONAL AIR RACES 

The Hotels below are in the exclusive Wilshire District, close to the Ambassador, which is the Official Headquarters for the National Air Races, and invite your consideration when making arrangements for living quarters during the Races. 

ARCADY APARTMENT HOTEL--Dominating Wilshire Boulevard at Rampart. 2619 Wilshire. 12 stories, furnished, all with bath. Daily accommodations from $3; monthly from $90. Dining room. 

GAYLORD APARTMENT HOTEL -- Directly opposite Ambassador Hotel. 13 stories, furnished. Hotel rates per day $5; apartment rates per month, from $100. Dining room. Commissary. Room service at no extra charge. 

HADDON HALL APARTMENT HOTAL--A distinctive residence in the smart Wilshire District, Eighth at Kenmore. Rates monthly are from $40. 4 stories. All accommodations furnished. 

LAFAYETTE APARTMENTS--Wilshire and Hoover, a close-in location and yet readily accessible to Westlake Park. All accommodations furnished, 4 stories. Rates, monthly from $25. 

NORMANDIE HOTEL--Meets the requirements of guests accustomed to the best without extravagance. A fine residential hotel in the smart Wilshire district. Sixth and Normandie Streets. Rates daily from $2.50; monthly from $35. 4 stories. 

PARK-WILSHIRE APARTMENT HOTEL--2424 Wilshire Boulevard, in the garden spot of Los Angeles. Delightful appointments and all conveniences. Commissary. Roof lounge and sun garden. 8 stories. Rates daily from $2; monthly from $40. 

WINDSOR APARTMENT HOTEL--A distinctive residence setting. Seventh and Catalina Streets. Across from Cocoanut Grove. 6 stories. Apartment rates daily from $3.50; monthly from $60.00. Dining room.