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National Air Race Speed Classics
The Bendix Trophy Race
Transcontinental Speed Dash
Free-For-All--Men Pilots Only
Total Purse $12,500 and Vincent Bendix Trophy
NOTE: $10,000 will be awarded to the winners of the first five places on the division of prize money as shown below under Number 5. $2,500 will be awarded to the pilot who proceeds on to New York and establishes a new transcontinental speed record. If more than one pilot breaks the present Transcontinental Speed Record, the $2,500 will be awarded to the pilot with the fastest time between Los Angeles and New York.

(1) The Bendix Trophy Race will start from a Los Angeles Airport (to be named later) and offers free-for-all competition for all types of airplanes, effecting either non-stop flight or refuel landings, at the pilot's option. The shortest elapsed time from the starting point to the finish at the Cleveland Municipal Airport will be the method of declaring the winner.
(2) The date and time of start will be determined by the Contest Committee in order that plans may arrive at the Cleveland Airport on or before 5:00P.M. Eastern Standard Time the same day in order to be eligible.
(3) Weather permitting, the start will be made so as to bring the planes in on the opening day of the 1934 National Air Races, August 31st. 
(4) The finish of the Bendix Trophy Race will be made by passing over the finish line in front of and at right angles to the grandstand. 
(5) Prize money- first place-45%-Gold Replica Bendix Trophy; second place -25%-Silver Replica Bendix Trophy; third place -15%-Bronze Replica Bendix Trophy; forth place - 10%; fifth place-5%.

Charles E. Thompson Trophy Race
Event No. 14
International Free-For-All- Men Pilots Only
Total Purse $10,000 and Charles E. Thompson Trophy 
(1) Open to any type airplane equipped with any type of motor or motors. 
(2) Distance -- 100 miles, 20 laps over a five-mile course. 
(3) Qualifying speed--225 miles per hour. Contestants must have established a qualifying speed of 225 miles per hour or better in order to be eligible for this event.
(4) Prize money--first prize--45%; second prize--25%; third prize--15%; fourth prize--10%; fifth prize--5%.
NOTE: If prior to the start of the Thompson Trophy Race, the prize money is increased, the Contest Committee reserves the right to increase the distance to 150 miles. 

Shell Speed Dashes
World's Record Three-Kilometer Straight-Away Land Plan Speed Dashes
Men Pilots Only
Total Purse $5,000 Cash and Three Shell Trophies
To be Divided as Follows:
Group No.1
$1,000 Cash and Shell Trophy
For Motors of 375 Cubic Inch Displacement or Less
Group NO.2
$1,500 Cash and Shell Trophy
For Motors of 550 Cubic Inch Displacement or Less
Group No.3
$2,500 Cash and Shell Trophy
For Motors of Unlimited Cubic Inch Displacement
(1) The pilot making the fastest time in each group will receive first place prize money. The pilot with the second fastest time will receive second place prize money, etc.
(2) Each ship must be flown twice in each direction over a three-kilometer course.  
(3) The first place winner in Groups 1 and 2 and the first and second place winner in Group 3, will attempt to establish a new world's record in each of these groups at a time on the afternoon program set by the Contest Committee. 
(4) Division of prizes for each group is -- first prize--45%; second prize--25%; third prize--15%; fourth prize--10%; fifth prize--5%.

Louis William Greve Trophy Races
Free-For-All--Men Pilots Only
Daily Purse $1700
Total Purse $5,100 and Louis William Greve Trophy 
Open to Motors of 550 Cubic Inch Displacement or Less
Louis William Greve, President of the Cleveland Pneumatic Tool Company, is sponsoring three races for the 550 cubic inch group, and will award the Louis William Greve Trophy to the pilot who has accumulated the greatest number of points during the three races for this cubic inch displacement group. The winning pilot must have continuously flown the same ship in each of the three races which make up this award. 
(1) Open to any type airplane powered with an engine having not more than 550 cubic inch piston displacement. 
(2) Distance--50 miles, 10 laps over a five-mile course. 
(3) Qualifying speed--200 miles per hour. Contestants must have established a qualifying speed of 200 miles per hour or better in order to be eligible for each event. 
(4) 15 points will be awarded in each event towards the Louis William Greve Trophy: 5 to first place; 4 to second place; 3 to third place; 2 to fourth place and 1 to fifth place.
(5) Prize money--first prize--45%; second prize--25%; third prize--15%; fourth prize--10%; fifth prize--5%, of daily purse. 

1934 NATIONAL AIR RACES                    PAGE13