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The B.R. Baker Co.
Euclid at Ninth
Ohio’s Largest Exclusive
Men’s And Boy’s Store

Custom Made
Four Miles Canvas Wall 12 feet high, complete for National Air Races
Furnish by the 
Awning & Tent Co.
1835 West 25th St. 
Independent Concern

The Acme Fence & Iron Co. 
Offers Complete Fencing Service for Every Purpose 
Many types to select from at a wide range of prices
Before Buying Elswhere Call Acme
Railing - Flag Poles - Tennis Courts
8506 Lake Ave. 
EVergreen 4205

A pure Chrome Tanned product made from the hair side of a Packer Spready Steer Hide and made especially for airship upholstery. It only weighs 1 3/4 oz. to the square foot, or about one-half as much as Vegetable Tanned Leather. It is aniline dyed to produce a penetrating and lasting color and is finished with an improved coating which preserves and renders the leather waterproof without detracting from its mellowness and strength. It can be made in any solid color. It is washable with neutral soap and water an possesses superior merits in strength, mellowness and wearing qualities. There is nothing to rub off and, due to the process gone through always remains attractive.
Cleveland Tanning Company 
Cleveland, Ohio

Cleans Automobile Radiators quickly and thoroughly insuring perfect circulation.
Follow directions on the can.
Sold By All Grocers

Individual Dixies 
Sanitary paper cups, with comfortable rolled brims for Homes, Offices, Soda Fountains. Also for packaging soft foods. Ideal for picnics and motor trips. 
Distributed by
Union Paper & Twine Company
116 St. Clair Avenue, N. W. 

The Central Lithograph Co.
Cleveland’s Color House 
made the
Air Race Stickers
Main 2131 
Office and Plant 113 St. Clair Avenue, N.E.

Sold - Rented - Repaired
We Specialize in Factory Rebuilt Equipment 
Consult us on Office Machines of any kind
Victor Office Machines Co., Inc. 
1821 E. 6th Hollenden Hotel Bldg. MAin 0450
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Official Program