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In the Air!
On the Ground!

Goodrich Silvertown Tires mean SAFETY!

Today, whether you travel by plane or by automobile, Goodrich Safety Silvertown tires stand ready to safeguard your life. Air race pilots, sportsman flyers, trans-port lines flying giant passenger planes from coast to coast insist on Goodrich Silvertowns for easy handling, for comfort, for safe takeoffs and landings. Whenever you fly, look at the tires. See how often you take off on SilvertownS. Whenever you take a motor trip — ride on Goodrich Silvertowns with the Life-Saver Golden Ply. That's the way to play safe!

Goodrich Safety Silvertowns for today's airplane - for today's automobile
The B.F. Goodrich Company
Akron, Ohio, U.S.A.