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NOTE: $10,00 will be awarded to the winners of the first five places on the division of prize money as shown below under Number 5.  $2,500 will be awarded to the pilot who proceeds to New York and establishes a new transcontinental speed record.  If more than one pilot breaks the present Transcontinental Speed Record, the $2,500 will be awarded to the pilot with the fastest time between Los Angeles and New York.

1. The Bendix Transcontinental Speed Dash will start from a Los Angeles Airport (to be named later), and offers competition for all types of airplanes. The contest may be flown either non-stop without refueling or with refueling in flight or with refuel landings, at pilot's option. The shortest elapsed time from the starting point to the finish at the Cleveland municipal Airport, will be the method of declaring the winners. 

2. The date and time of stating will be determined by the Contest Committee in order that planes may arrive at Cleveland Airport on or before six P.M. Eastern Standard Time, the same day in order to be eligible. 

3. Weather permitting the start will be made so as to bring the planes in on the opening day of the 1935 National Air Races, August 30th. 

4. Individual standing starts will be used. The engine or engines may be turning over. Starting time will be taken from the starter's flag. The finish will be timed in flight at the crossing of the finish. line at Cleveland Airport.  A finishing plane should cross the line from South to North at Cleveland.  for planes attempting a new transcontinental record by proceeding on to New York, the finish is timed in flight past the Administration Building of the official airport at New York.  A record-attempting plane should cross the finish line at New York from West to East. F.A.I. rules require that the speed of a new transcontinental record exceed that of the proceeding one by 3%. 

5. Prize money - first place - 45% - Gold Replica Bendix Trophy; second place - 25% - Silver Replica Bendix Trophy; third place - 15% Bronze Replica Bendix Trophy; fourth place - 10%; fifth place - 5%.