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Symphony of the Skies

PHILIP T. HENDERSON, Business Manager

The Aircraft Industry Salutes Southern California - its leadership as exemplified by the aggressive civic, industrial, commercial institutions and men who made possible the 1936 National Air Races.

Aviation is no longer a "game" but the expression of the dominant will of brave men and women who set about to prove the usefulness of aircraft as the ultimate factor in modern transportation - speed in commerce - speed in industry - speed in moving things and men. Life will be more abundant - the tempo of commerce and industry will be quickened - distance will become a lesser barrier to inter-city, inter-state and inter-national commerce and travel because of this progress.

Now that aviation is an industry of public service it inherits a perpetual obligation to improve its equipment. The National Air Races is the logical proving ground for such constructive advancement in design, efficiency and safety.

Spurred on by coveted international trophies and substantial awards engineers have been inspired to create - men and women pilots have been eager to prove or disprove structural innovations. National Air Races functions as the front page of aviation's progress, dominating world news through press,radio, motion picture and all known media.

And now for the symphonic tempo-roaring motors— motion —action — speed planes hurtling through the skies to new world records. Precision — crack military and naval aces in breathtaking formation— daring national and international acrobatic aces —famous men and women pilots—international dignitaries—aviation executives and technicians—and an audience of hundreds and thousands of eager spectators thrilled, inspired and awed by it all... truly a SYMPHONY OF THE SKIES.

Cliff Henderson

