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French acrobatic champion and one of Europe's most brilliant pilots. He was at first in the French cavalry but at his own request transferred to military aviation. Detroyat learned piloting at Istres Airport School, where he showed such an aptitude that he was kept there as an instructor. At the beginning of 1927 he was sergeant-pilot at the LeBourget Airport in Paris.

It was at LeBourget Airport that he became known to the public. It was he, indeed, who rescued Lindbergh from the delirious crowd that hailed the American airman on his arrival in Paris on that memorable night. From that time on the name of Detroyat was known to everyone. His first noteworthy flight was from Paris to Algiers and return in April, 1928. This was the beginning of his remarkable career as test pilot, long distance flier and foremost acrobatic flier.

In December, 1932, Detroyat established a new world record by flying "on the back" for 26 minutes and 2/5 seconds. He also participated in numerous international meetings, carrying French colors to victory everywhere. At Mannheim, Antwerp, Copenhagen, Brussels, Frankfort, Spa, Tunis, Casablanca, Genoa and at Gand, everywhere his black and red plane won prizes.

Created a knight of the Legion of Honor at the age of 26, Detroyat is one of the most celebrated figures in French and international aviation. He participated in the Pan-American Races held in New Orleans in 1934 and at the National Air Races at Cleveland in 1935. In both meetings he represented France brilliantly and won the favor of the American public with his colorful personality and daring flying.

At the age of 30, Michel Detroyat is an officer in the Legion of Honor...recently married...beau brummel...wears silk zipper flying suit and has orderly to help him into it...carries cane as his "mascot"...likes American girls and describes them as "keen"...known to friends as "Mike" of France's best amateur fishermen...sounds like Maurice Chevalier on colorful after dinner speaker.



Germany's greatest stunt and acrobatic flier. Thrilled crowds at the Cleveland National Air Races in 1935, with his thrilling and breath-taking exhibitions. Perhaps Achgelis' most sensational stunt is his flying upside-down performance just 20 feet above the ground in front of the Air Race spectators.

Achgelis has been flying nine twenty-eight years old...but looks like a schoolboy. Not so long ago he battled for five hours above Berlin to wrest the acrobatic title from Germany's best performers.

Has flown in China selling and teaching Chinese technic of German-built airplanes...likes cream...and real American steaks...plays the piano divinely...blushes...goes for brilliant ties and collegiate clothes...hobbies: taking pictures and motoring...prefers American made automobiles...took one home last year after the Cleveland Meeting.

These champion foreign acrobatic aces appearing in the 1936 National Air Races are sponsored by the GILMORE OIL COMPANY.


Of the Roumanian Royal Air Forces. Is a newcomer to the United States and to the National Air Races. Recognized as one of Europe's most daring, unique and spectacular acrobatic fliers. Papana has long been thrilling the people of Bucharest and other Central European cities. He holds the Roumanian altitude record and recently broke all records for cross-country flying from Bucharest to Tel Aviv, Turkey. Having achieved fame as altitude record-holder and long distance champion, Papana enjoys thrilling his audiences with acrobatics and will bring to the 1936 National Air Races some original, hair-raising stunts.

1936 NATIONAL AIR RACES                         PAGE 41