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September 15, 1937.

Mr. Vincent Bendix,
Care of the Bendix Products Corp.,
South Bend, Indiana.

Dear Mr. Bendix:

I wish to drop you a line and let you know how much I enjoyed participating in the Bendix Transcontinental Race this year, which was sponsored by your Company.

I am very appreciative of all that your Company has done to make this event possible and believe that it was especially fair and sporting of you to put up the additional prize-money for the first three pilots arriving at Bendix, New Jersey; as well as only requiring that the winning pilot break the former Bendix Transcontinental record rather than requiring him to break Howard Hughes's present Transcontinental record which was accomplished largely due to the extremely favorable tail-winds prevailing on the day he made his flight.

I hope to be in a position to enter my plane in the Bendix Race again next year, and with the experience of this year's race behind me I feel that the plane is capable of making an even better showing next year.

I enjoyed meeting you in Cleveland, and trust that the next time you are in San Francisco you will look me up.

With kindest regards, I am,

Sincerely yours,

F. F. J.