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Enroll At California Flyers This Summer

Work in Aviation This Fall!

Building the world's fastest transport in the great Los Angeles Lockheed Plant

Los Angeles - The World's Aviation Center

You can't match this map for aviation activity, for here are the great factories of Douglas, Northrup, North American, Lockheed, Vultee, Security, Kinner, and Menasco. Here is the terminus for United Airlines, T.W.A., Western Air Express, American Airlines, Pan-American Airways, and Catalina-Wilmington Airways. Here more planes are built and flown than any place in the United States. Here is the place to learn and earn.

Yes, you're that close to a position in aviation. With California Flyers Aircraft Builders Course (aircraft sheet metal), three and a half months from the time you enroll in California Flyers School of Aviation you will be ready for a position in one of Southern California's world-famous aircraft plants, ready for a position unparalleled in its opportunity. Southern California's nine great aircraft plants are months behind in filling orders. Many plants are on double working schedules. California Flyers graduates go directly to work in these plants, many continue in flying courses while they work. California Flyers Aircraft Builders' Course (one of California Flyers 19 Career Courses) is the greatest opportunity in America to learn and earn, with the minimum of expense and time, yet with the greatest assurance of rapid advancement. To the young man who really wants action, who honestly wants to work, wants to go places in aviation, here is opportunity. 

The entire Airplane Builders' Course (aircraft sheet metal) can be completed in three and one-half months, at a total tuition of $275, payable on easy terms, with transportation free from most points. This course includes all phases of metal aircraft construction, with riveting, welding and sheet metal work. In addition, California Flyers is the only U. S. Government approved school in Los Angeles which offers courses in all phases of aviation, mechanical training, drafting, airport management, private and transport flying, instrument and blind flying instruction which includes the new Type C Link Training.

Los Angeles' Only U.S. Government Approved School Offering Both Flying and Mechanics

You young men who want a career in aviation should consider the outstanding advantages California Flyers offers you in strategic location and practical, lower-cost training ... The advantages of training in Los Angeles are overwhelmingly important and beneficial to young men who want employment right after graduation. We can't tell you in the small space of one advertisement about the unbelievable amount of aviation activity and opportunity for you right around our field. But there are more commercial, private and military planes flying and more planes manufactured than in any other place in the World. There is more testing of all these planes on our field by the U. S. Bureau of Air Commerce than in any other place in the world. Think of the opportunity for you in this tremendous amount of activity! Think of the advantages of taking your training at California Flyers in the very hub of activity. 

Send for our catalog to get a comprehensive picture of opportunity for you in Los Angeles and a complete description of California Flyers practical, lower-cost flying and mechanics training courses.  

Located in the Aviation Center of the World . Only U. S. Government Approved Los Angeles Aviation School Offering Both Flying and Mechanical Courses . Highest U. S. Government Approval . America's Most Modern Aviation School 


School of Aviation, Dept. AD 5 
Los Angeles' Municipal Airport, Inglewood, Calif. 

Please send me your new FREE catalog "Aviation Is Calling You." I am interested in subjects checked: 
Combined Courses 
Instrumental Flying 
Aircraft Building (Aircraft sheet metal) 

Name_________ Age____ 
City______ State______ AD 5