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Moses Cleaveland Pays His Respects to A Certain Lady 

This is not a story of romance of the ordinary type--though it does deal with the obligations of a gentleman to a lady. The romance, this time, is one of industrial and scientific achievement and the leading characters are symbols of a city and country. Moses Cleaveland can indeed bow graciously to La Belle France for having provided the basis for two ideas which have since carried Cleveland's name and fame to the four corners of the globe. 

The First Air Races 
Rheims, France, 1909

The first air race, like the first commercial production of rayon, took place in France. In 1909, a group of courageous pilots assembled at Rheims to launch their craft in what was then a breath-taking competition. In 1892, Hilaire de Chardonnet began production of rayon--then called artificial silk--at a plant erected at Besancon. Today, in these two widely different fields, both representing a triumph of man over nature, we find our own Cleveland the focal point of worldwide interest. 

National Air Races 
Cleveland, Ohio, 1946

In the current air races, the ninth year this event has been held in Cleveland, you will witness all the advances in aircraft that the war years have produced--radically new design, vastly increased speeds, entirely new concepts of Aerodynamics. The National Air Races, brought to Cleveland in 1929, have made this city the world center of air-speed competition. 

The First Rayon 
Besancon, France, 1892 

Industrial Rayon Corporation in 1938 introduced a revolutionary idea in rayon manufacture--the Continuous Process of yarn production. Its higher efficiency, improved quality of yarn, and greater versatility have not only been largely responsible for the company's growth to more than three times the size in the past eight years but have focused the eyes of the world on Cleveland as the center of rayon development. Leading rayon producers in several foreign countries have purchased rights to this process and many others have come from all parts of the world to see this triumph of science. 

Industrial Rayon's 
Continuous Process, 1946

These two important phases of the modern world of science--aircraft and synthetic fibers--have helped to make Cleveland the city which enjoys such world-wide prestige in its Sesquicentennial year. 

Industrial Rayon Corporation
Cleveland, Ohio
New York Office. 500 Fifth Ave.


*Reg. U.S. Pat. Off.

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1946 NATIONAL AIR RACES         
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