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Released by Frost & Crawford
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Bradshaw 2-4208


The Bendix Trophy, transcontinental airplane speed contest, sponsored by The Bendix Corp, pioneer aviation, automotive and electrical company, is a free-for-all contest, open to any type of airplane and to any pilot.
Held annually (except during the war) since 1931, it has played a major role in helping the aircraft industry develop fast and rugged airplanes. The conditions of the race are identical to those encountered by an airplane flying on a long distance mission and and were laid down specifically by the Bendix Corp. to encourage experimental work in the development of maximum speeds for airplanes over long distances.
The 1946 race will start from Aviation Maintenance Corporation's base at Metropolitan Airport, Van Nuys, Calif., beginning at approximately 6:30 a.m. on Friday, August 30th. The finish, 2045 miles away, will be in front of the grandstand at the Municipal Airport at Cleveland, Ohio, where the National Air Races will be in progress. Competing airplanes must cross the finish line at Cleveland between noon and 6 p.m.
There are two divisions in the 1946 race, the "R" division open to all pilots of conventional airplanes, and the "J" division open only to service pilots flying jet propelled aircraft.

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