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1946 Bendix Trophy Race Fact Sheet Page 3

All the records tumbled in 1937 when Frank Fuller Jr. won the race. He averaged 258 m.p.h. into Cleveland and went on to New York to set a new cross continent mark of 9 hours, 35 minutes. 

A woman Jacqueline Cochran, won the race in 1938 beating Fuller who took second place.
In 1939, the last Bendix Race before the war, Fuller repeated and again set new records. His average speed from Los Angeles to Cleveland was 282 m.p.h. and his elapsed time from Los Angeles to New York was 8 hours, 58 minutes. 

The 1946 Bendix Trophy Race in the "R" division is limited to 50 airplanes. All the airplanes are expected to be former war planes with P-38s and P-51s dominating. Several other Army and Navy fighter planes and attack bombers are also expected to compete.

Following is the complete list of winners of former Bendix races:

|Year|Pilot|Plane|Engine|Time LA-Cleve|Speed LA-Cleve
1931|J. Doolittle|Laird|Wasp Jr.|9:10:21|223.06|
1932|J. Haizlip|Wedell-Williams|Wasp Jr.|8:19:45|
1933|R. Turner|Wedell-Williams|Wasp|--|--|
1934|D. Davis|Wedell-Williams|Wasp Jr.|9:26;41|216.24|
1935|B. Howard|Howard|Wasp|8:33:16.3|238.70|
1936|L. Thaden|Beechcraft|Whirlwind|--|--|
1937|F.Fuller|Seversky|Twin Wasp|7:54:26.3|258.0|
1938|J.Cohcran|Seversky|P&W Twin Wasp|8:10:31.4|249.774
1939|F. Fuller|Seversky|" " "|7:14:19|282.098|

Time - LA - N.Y.