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Released by Frost & Crawford
Bradshaw 2-4208

For Release to A.M.s Monday, August 12, 1946

Appointment  of official committees in charge of the famous Benfix Trophy Race, transcontinental airplane free-for-all, starting from Metropolitan Airport, Van Nuys, August 30, was announced yesterday by Larry Therkelsen, chairman and chief starter.
Referee for the event, being held for the first time since the war began, will be Joseph J. Marlott, regional administrator of the Civil Aeronautics Administration.
Assistant starters will be Frederick Weber Jr., Weber Showcase and Fixture Co.; Charles A. O'Hanlon, Westcraft Inc.; B. Allison Gillies, Western Continental Airlines.
Members of the technical committee are Charles M. Fischer, Aviation Maintenance Corporation; Charles "Chief" Kidder, Grand Central Airport; H. Dudley Wright, Aero Flight Inc.; Herbert J. Terry, Radioplane Company. 
Lawrence E. Phelan, Charles H. Babb Co., is pilot's representative, Lt. Col. Robert E. Lacy, commandant, Metropolitan Airport, is in charge of traffic and Ned C. Crawford, Frost & Crawford, publicity chairman.
Fifty airplanes and pilots, the largest in the history of the 15-year-old speed classic, are expected to compete for the Los Angeles to Cleveland.
