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Memorandum on Bendix Aviation Corporation
-Niche in America's Aviation Development-

Sponsorship by Bendix Aviation Corporation of the Bendix Trophy Race, curtain-raiser of the National Air Races, is the outgrowth of the Corporation's identity of interest with the growth of aviation in America since before World War I. 
Vincent Bendix, founder of the Corporation, sponsored the Bendix Trophy Race with the hope of stimulating the developmental and research phase of aeronautics. He instituted the additional trans-continental record award and through the Bendix Aviation Corporation donated to posterity the trophy which bears the Bendix name. He was a pioneer in the aviation and automotive industries, as well as an inventor and engineer of international prominence. Through the years the Bendix Trophy race has demonstrated its worth as an ideal proving ground, providing, as it does, flight conditions closely comparable to those encountered in transcontinental air transportation. 
Bendix Aviation Corporation as it stands today is an organization which has its roots in many earlier companies, each one of which, in one way or another, contributed greatly to American aviation.
For example, many of Bendix' top executives figured prominently in the application of starters to the early aircraft engines. At that time they were with the Bijur Starting and Lighting Company, later purchased by the Eclipse Machine Company, which was purchased by Bendix Aviation Corporation in 1929. This Bijur group worked in close cooperation with Packard, Curtis, and Wright Field in the development of starters for aviation engines as early as 1914, and this collaboration was continued in the equipment of Liberty Engine developed during the