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SHORTLY after the close of World War II in 1945 a group of business men met in Cleveland to consider formation of a nonprofit organization for the promotion of aviation in all of its multitudinous divisions. Formation of the Air Foundation, an Ohio Corporation not for profit, resulted.

It is Unique among the numerous organizations within the aviation industry in that it has no finely pointed objectives. 

The Air Foundation first undertook the underwriting of the National Aircraft Show held in Cleveland in January 1946. The project netted $75,000 to the U.S. Air Force Aid Society. Its next task was to underwrite and guarantee the 1946 National Air Races. Following this, it supported the First Annual National Aircraft Show late in 1946, underwrote and sponsored the 1947, 1948 and 1949 National Air Races in Cleveland, and again is a co-sponsor of the 1951 event in Detroit with the Aero Club of Michigan. 

Although a comparatively new organization, Air Foundation has broadened its activities to include the sponsorship of two permanent scholarships, one for jet research at Case Institute of Technology in Cleveland and one for flight training at the University of Illinois, plus the sponsorship and co-sponsorship of three major indoor and outdoor model meets for the encouragement of youth in aviation. 

President and guiding spirit of the Air Foundation is Frederick C. Crawford, President of Thompson  Products, Inc., and the National Air Races. Its business manager is Benjamin T. Franklin who is general manager of the National Air Races. 


FOUNDED in 1909, the Aero Club of Michigan is a non-profit, educational organization dedicated to the advancement of aviation throughout the State. It is not a flying club but rather a service club having broad responsibilities encompassing all phases of aeronautical development.

It engages in aviation as well as civic activities which benefit all of Michigan's citizens, its industries, its educational and civic institutions, and users of private and commercial aircraft. Its aim is to assist in the economic development of Michigan as affected by the present use of aircraft and to foster increases interest and encourage greater progress in matters aeronautical, for the future welfare of the State.

In the past, the Aero Club has conducted such events as: Michigan Aviation Week, International Air Fair, Michigan Pilots Regatta, Aviation Editorial Contest, Michigan Color Cruise, Michigan Model Plane Championships, Miss Michigan Aviation Contest, Michigan University Aircraft Design Contest and Armed Forces Day Observance. 

This year it is acting as co-sponsor with Air Foundation of Cleveland in staging the 1951 National Air Races at Detroit. This is one of the outstanding and significant achievements of its current year's activities.

C.J. Reese, President of Continental Motors Corporation, is president of the Club. Its congenial and amiable Executive Vice President and Manager is James V. Votta, who has done a remarkable job during the past five years of his tenure of office. Even greater activities are planned for the immediate future.


THE Boeing Airplane Company and the General Electric Company (Gas Turbine Division) have united in the presentation of the famous B-47 light bomber, powered by a General Electric jet engine.

The U.S. Air Force will demonstrate its Jato take-off and para-landing.

Another B-47 bomber will be on display in the Exhibit Area as a part of the U.S. Air Force ground exhibit.


The following sponsoring companies are participating in the funds being distributed to the U.S. Services Relief Societies.

This acknowledgment is in further appreciation of the support and cooperation extended by these companies: 

Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp.
Pittsburgh, Pa. 
Allison Division, General Motors Corp.
Indianapolis Ind.
Bendix Aviation Corporation
Detroit, Mich.  
Boeing Airplane Company
Seattle, Wash.
Continental Motors Corporation
Muskegon, Mich.
General Electric Company 
West Lynn, Mass.
Thompson Products, Inc. 
Cleveland, Ohio
Tinnerman Products, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio

Benjamin T. Franklin 
General Manager

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