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Their Range? 
of Course

Chick Harbert, top-flight golfer, is "world's longest driver," and Professional at Meadowbrook Country Club, Detroit.

"Hot weather makes you appreciate your electric range more than ever," says vivacious Mrs. Chick Harbert. "The kitchen stays so cool and comfortable when the oven is in use." 

"And there's a lot of baking done at our house, even in the summer," adds Chick. "Deidre and Kathleen are chocolate-cake fans."

"Chick and I go for broiled foods... steaks and chops take on a wonderful electric-broiled flavor," continues Mrs. Harbert. "We have other favorites, too... deep-well cooker dishes."

This attractive modern family approves wholeheartedly of their electric range. Why don't you enjoy all the advantages of electric cookery? Your dealer will be glad to tell you the whole story.

Come in and see
...of course, it's ELECTRIC

Deidre's and Kathy's Favorite

1/2 cup butter
1 1/4 cups sugar
2 eggs
1 cup milk
2 cups cake flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons baking powder or 1 teaspoon soda
3 squares chocolate, melted, or 1/3 cup cocoa (dry)
1 teaspoon vanilla 

Cream butter, add sugar gradually, and chocolate. Add egg yolks. Mix and sift dry ingredients, and add alternately with milk to first mixture. Add vanilla. Fold in egg whites, beaten until stiff. Bake in shallow pan or two 9-inch layer-cake pans in moderately slow oven (325°) about 30 minutes. Top with creamy-smooth fudge frosting. 


SEE YOUR DEALER or Detroit Edison

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