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7 Bendix Race 1953 [[note]]

King Features Syndicate
8-22-53     1435 E. 12th St., Cleveland 14, O.

Air Speed Ain't What It Used To Be

Bendix Trophy for fastest cross-country flight.

3-time winner Paul Mantz, Bendix president M.P. Ferguson; '46, '47 jet winner Col. Leon Gray. 

Compton    Cochran   Doolittle

Many ex-champions will be in the stands when the Bendix cross-country winner reaches Vandalia, O., Sept. 5 opening day of this year's National Aircraft show, which has replaced the old National Air Races. The Bendix now is a "new game." Only jets will race this year. Prop records of 223 miles an hour, then 249 mph, set in the '30s and early '40s, seem slow now. The jet record is 553 mph, set by Ccl. Keith K. Compton in 1951 race. Gen. James A. Doolittle, then a major, won first Bendix in 1931. Jackie Cochran, 1938 victor, is the only woman ever to win the race. Time flies on.    (International)