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The thrilling new "Two-Ten" 4-Door Sedan. With 3 great new series, Chevrolet offers the widest choice of models in its field.

What's back of Chevrolet's sensational new gasoline economy...

The smiling people in this picture have been traveling since early morning; and, much to their pleasure, they are having a remarkably thrifty trip.

You see, the 1953 Chevrolet makes gasoline go a lot farther—in fact, brings you the most important gain in economy of any Chevrolet in history—due to outstanding improvements made by Chevrolet engineers.

New higher compression ratios in the 115-h.p. "Blue-Flame" engine with Powerglide*—the most powerful engine in its field—and the 108-h.p. "Thrift-King" engine with standard transmission have boosted power output greatly while cutting gasoline consumption sharply.

We cordially invite you to visit your Chevrolet dealer's and experience the sensational new performance and economy of the 1953 Chevrolet at your earliest convenience.

And also to enjoy the many other exclusive advantages which are causing people to pronounce this car the first buy of the land!...

Important improvements in the new Powerglide automatic transmission,* including a larger, more efficient three-element converter, provide even finer, fleeter, thriftier no-shift driving.

New Fashion-First bodies by Fisher bring you beauty, comfort and safety fully as outstanding as Chevrolet's new performance and economy.

You'll park and steer with finger-tip case, with Power Steering,* exclusive to Chevrolet in its field.

Improved Velvet-Pressure Jumbo-Drum brakes (largest in Chevrolet's field) and the softer, smoother Knee-Action Ride give maximum comfort and safety. See this wonderful new Chevrolet-America's lowest-priced full-size car—at your Chevrolet dealer's now...Chevrolet Division of General Motors, Detroit 2, Michigan.

*Optional at extra cost. Combination of Powerglide automatic transmission and 115-h.p. "Blue-Flame" engine available on "Two-Ten" and Bel Air models. Power Steering available on all models.



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