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WELCOME, and thank you for being with us!

For the second time the great metropolis of Philadelphia is host to the National Aircraft Show, which is sanctioned by the National Aeronautic Association and which, with the help of the U. S. Department of Defense has become America's largest annual aviation display.

It was in 1926 that Philadelphia served before as our host city. That year a struggling aircraft industry ranked 135th in the nation as an employer of production workers. Today aircraft manufacturing is second in this respect, surpassed only by automotive manufacturing. 750,000 men and women work at the production of military, commercial and private aircraft. 50,000 supplier firms pour their complex, high-precision products into the assembly lines of the aircraft and aircraft engine builders.

Each peacetime year it is the purpose of the National Aircraft Show to review and dramatically demonstrate America's progress in the air. Here, today, you witness firsthand a thrilling, dynamic report to the nation on just how American aviation is doing, what spectacular advances have come from millions of defense tax dollars, and how we stack up against the countries which would destroy our chosen way of life. Through the many representatives of the press and broadcasting companies, and foreign attachés who are with us, what you see and hear will spread to the nation and the world.

Be sure to take in the striking exhibits of the aircraft manufacturers and the fine ground exhibits of the military services. To miss them is to miss half the show!

On behalf of the Air Foundation and the National Aircraft Show management, I thank the United States air services most cordially for making this mighty three-day demonstration possible. And I acknowledge with deep appreciation the splendid help of the City of Philadelphia and the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, and the cooperation of the organizations that granted us the use of their hangars. All working together, they have left nothing undone to make this event a complete success.

[[signature]] F. C. Crawford [[/signature]]