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A new kind of airplane makes the news
...with a new kind of power transmission designed and built by FOOTE BROS.
A revolutionary aircraft, McDonnell's XV-1 Convertiplane, recently made news by completing the first successful conversion from vertical to horizontal flight...a totally new concept of flight which combines the vertical flight characteristics of a helicopter with the speed and range of a conventional fixed wing aircraft.

To help put this remarkable aircraft in the air required a completely new kind of power transmission for the pusher propeller and the rotor which is driven by pressure jets located at the tip of each of the three blades. McDonnell called on Foote Bros. to design and build this highly intricate transmission. The successful flight of the XV-I is ample testimony to the skill and capacity of Foote Bros. to meet the exacting needs of America's great aircraft manufacturers. It will pay you to see Foote Bros. first-the right place to being you power transmission and mechanical actuator problems!

Better Power Transmission Through Better Gears
Since 1859

Foote Bros. Gear and Machine Corporation
4545 South Western Boulevard
Dept. G, Chicago, Illinois

This trademark stands for the finest industrial gearing made!