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Fleet Marine Force thus increasing the mobilization potential tremendously since pilots will be ready to go directly into combat.

BARTU Seminar
A two-week Naval Weapons Seminar, composed of representatives from various BARTU units on the West Coast, was held at North Island. During the two-week training period, several military establishments and civilian activities were visited. Cdr. W.P. Kennedy, BuWeps, Pac; Lt. R.J. Reich; LCdr. J.L. Snell and LCdr. R.L. Wall, BARTU 778; and Cdr. B.C. Ames, Cdr. S.E. Smith, LCdr. W.H. Stillwell, Lt. W. J. Cook and Lt. S.P. Ramsay of BARTU 776, attended the seminar. Dallas Reservists Honored
Four Naval Air Reservists of NAS Dallas were presented awards at the Annual Military Inspection and Review conducted by RAdm. Arnold W. McKechnie, Cheif of Naval Air Reserve Training. C.L. Earnheart, ADRC, of Dallas, Texas, Leading Cheif of VR-71, was voted the outstanding Cheif Petty Officer among the Reserve units. He has a record of perfect attendance at drills and annual training duty. E.S. Turner, BMC, of Dallas, head instructor in the Recruit Training Section at NAS Dallas was voted the outstanding enlisted man attached to the station for his cooperation with the Weekend Warriors. T.G. Flanagan, ATNAN, a member of VP-702, was voted the outstanding non-rated man in the Reserve units. Billy R. Himes, PN1, of VP-701, was voted as the outstanding rated Petty Officer. He has a perfect attendance record since 1955. Each received a watch. 
Weather Forcasting, Minneapolis
Twin City weather prognosticators at NAS Minneapolis now have added assistance for accurately tracking threatening storm conditions in the northwest area. The system went into effect 14 May when a low cloud cover moved into the region with ominous overtones of a severe storm and probable tornadoes. Marine Air Control Squadron 16, manned by Reservists from the community, were requested to assist in the tracking of the pending storm. Cooperating with local weather facilities, the Reservists tracked by radar the large thunderstorm's progress towards the Minneapolis-St. Paul area.
Commanded by Maj. James M. Christie, USMCR, squadron members gauged the length, depth, velocity and possible destructive force of the storm with height and range-finding electronic equipment.
Possible injury and property damage were averted as the information was relayed to Navy Aerology at Wold-Chamberlain International Airport.
In addition, both civilian and military aircraft flying in the area were given advanced warning of the storm.
As a result of the accurate information received, Marine Air Reserve radar equipment, in the future, will be geared to supplement regular weather forecasting facilities when dangerous storms are within a 200-mile radius of the Twin City area. 
'8-Balls'-But Not Behind!
Anyone who has seen the fabulous Harem Globe Trotters or the dazzling Blue Angle admires their concentrated teamwork. Having admired, a Chicago NAR team has put this principle to work. 
In the summer of 1960, VS-722, stationed at NAS Glenview, assigned four men with widely diversified backgrounds to fly together as a tactual anti-sub team. This team, called "8-Balls," consisted of Lt. L.J. Liebe, an engineering student, plane commander; Lt. J.J. O'Neill, a science student, copilot; Chief W.R. Braun, a lieutenant of the Chicago Fire Department arson squad, electronic gear operator; and H.C. Englebrecht, AT-1, a Public Utility Company machine maintenance mechanic, radar operator. 
These four men flew 21 missions and logged in excess of 60 aircraft hours in a period of approximately 90 days. They discovered that progress toward the goal of combat readiness was greatly accelerated only when they lost their individuality and became members of a team. Lt. O'Neil compared his personal feeling toward the highly integrated crew with the sense of confidence one has in old and trusted friends.
The "8-Balls" stand readily for the day when they may be called upon to "sink that 8-ball in the corner pocket!"

[[image]] A RYAN electronics expert explains to BARTU seminar representatives the Doppler navigation system as part of their two-week program.

[[image]] THE EIGHT BALLS (left to right) Chief Wally Braun, Lt. Jack O'Neill, Lt. Harry Liebe and Howard Englerecht fly as anti-submarine team.

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