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L.B. 61.

Bureau Ref. Freedmen. & Ab. La.
Office Agent Division of Blakely
Blakely Ga. Novbr. 1st 1867.

Edmund A. Ware Esq.
Superintendant of Schools Bureau R.F. & A.L.
State of Georgia
Atlanta Ga.

I have the honor to transmit enclosed the Monthly report of Schools for this Division, which is as complete as I can make it, from the date furnished me, having been requested by the several teachers to make a report for them. There is no Educational Association in Early or Calhoun Counties, the colored people generally being afraid, it will cost them so much and the white people cannot be induced to take any interest in the matter. I have used my best endeavors to get some of the people to cooperate with me, in getting up an institution of this kind, but all to no purpose, it is labor thrown away. Time may work a change in their feelings on the subject, if so, I shall avail myself of the propitious moment to urge the claims of the association.

Clay County has formed an association but it