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Tratsburg Talbot Co. Geo
Nov the 13, 1867
Mr. E. A. Ware yours of 22 Oct has ben reserved and I learn from its ??? that That you don't expect to help me any or can not help me any if that is the bestincouragement you can give me I think it quite poor what I mean by this is you wrote that you could not help me any now but for me to continue my school and in the corse of the school year maybe you can help me some if I hav to teach the collard children on uncertain intics I shall stop  Mr Ware I ask you one plain and simple question which you can easily answer and that will settle the matter that is do you expect to pay me back rashions that is do you expect to pay me for services rendered if not I will be compelled to stop my school for I cannot surport my family on  what I get from them I have a family to surport and my pisical strenght is not sufficient for field labor I am an advocate for the education of the black which I have proven by my actions
I want you to write a letter to the blacks and send to me to send to them state what is there duty to keep up the school how much they aught to pay per month or per day to keep up the school also state how much the