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Lookout Mountain Educational Institutions,
[[[strikethrough]] CHATTANOOGA [[/strikethrough]], TENN.]

Nov. 26 1867.

E.A. Ware.
Supt Edu. Bureau R.F. & A.L.

My Dear Sir,
Will you kindly inform us whether Gen. Howard has sent to the Assis't Comr. for Geo. an official order like enclosure published by Gen. Carlin of this state?

If so, it would save us the trouble of sending out written copies of his letter left here, besides answering a better purpose.

If not, could you not properly suggest to Col. Sibley (or Maj. Moesbock) to solicit from Washington instructions as to the matter, which would doubtless call out from the Comr a similar form of order for your state. This would, as intimated above, place the plan more distinctly before the Sub-Assistants in your state, and state more definitely the arrangemnt for transportation. β€” We receive to-day the first invoice of 3 boys from Nashville, and other are to follow form other points in this section. I trust, in some way, that class of youth in your state may be reached by this plan of Gen. Howard. β€” We remember yr visit with pleasure, and hope to see you again at our Mountain home. β€” 

Very Truly Yours,
C. C. Carpenter.