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Calhoun Ga Novr 29th 1867

Mr A. E. Ware 

Dr Sir
My school closed about the 1st of this month; I am without a school, and no prospect of getting one, and if I had a school I would not be able to teach, [[strikethrough]] if I had one [[/strikethrough]] after having a [[?]] [[?]] of slow fever; I am now [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] afflicted with the distressing chills & fevers; and I suffer considerable. I am much distressed out of money & the people I am staying with are very poor, and cannot do much more for me; my suffering is great.

Mr Ware I wish you would do me the kind favor to get me a home in the Orphan Asylum for a while or rather until I recover sufficient to take the field again. I would willingly do all I could as regard work, and make myself useful every way possible when able; it would be a very kind act of charity for you to relieve my sufferings in that way - one who lost his health in a missionary field; should you succeed in getting me there I would owe you a debt that I would feel unable to pay you. I feel confident if there is a possible chance you will do all in your power to get me there; please let me hear from immediately for I am [[illegible]] I hope I am not asking you too much. Circumstance presses me to do it. I know you are a friend to humanity

I Am yours, Truly &c
H. B. De Costa