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Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Office Sub Asst Com.
Thomasville Ga Dec 4th 1867

I have the honor to transmit herewith report of Schools for Sub Dist of Thomasville, for Nov. You will see there is a considerable falling off. This is principly on account of the unsettled state of the freedmen. Many of them have completed their contracts & are securing new homes for another year. Most of the schools in the county close with this month and will not be opened until the first of the year. The people speak well of the schools, but the freedmen tell me that they say that they want them educated, but dont want yankees to do it. Several of the citizens are offering to teach but I doubt in most cases the prospriety of employing them, as their education is very limited and they seem to have no interest beyond the pay.

I am very respectfully your obt svt
W.F. White
Cap't & S.A.C.

E.A. Ware Esq  }
State. Supt Ed }

L.B. 382