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144 Superior Street, American Buildins, Room 4(up stairs.)

B.S. Green, Publishers' General Agent. Dealer in Books, Maps,&c.
Agents Wanted, 

For Abbott's Lives of the Presidents.
Bible History and Sacred Biography.
Family, Farm and Gardens.
Encyclopedia of Animated Nature.
Battle History of the Rebellion.
New Railroad and Township Map of Ohio.

 Cleveland, Ohio Dec 3rd 1867
Jen E A Ware
Dear Sir
We have concluded to put another teacher in the field, you said you could assign one to a good place, please answer by return mail, and give the Location, and all particulars in regard to it. we shall expect to see that the expense of board is paid. We will procure transportation and pay other expenses.
Mrs Leay and Miss Greenbrien, opened a school at Marietta last month. I hope (if you have not done so) you will visit them soon, and drop our society a live in regard to the work it is doing. Yours My Truly, 
B.S. Green