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Stone Mountain, Ga., Dec 14th 67

Rev E. A. Ware
Dr Sir,
Yours of the 9th is at hand. When speaking of a house in Town for the use of a school next year, my meaning was, the year 1868 or such a part thereof as the school might continue, beginning Jany next, and not the next school year. Mr [[Crooper, h-owner?,]] has just informed me he has thought proper to make the necessary repairs himself, alluded to in my last, and require not less than $5 per month rent. This is more than the People can well pay. Another house can be had upon more reasonable terms, equally suitable for school purposes, or one can be built.
As to whether they could board a teacher, provided the services of one could be secured, I cannot earnestly inform you; I think it very doubtful.
I cannot resume the school, and board myself, I should be paid not less than $25 or $30 per month, and that, I am sure, the colored people of this place are not able to do; hence I made the request I did- That a commissioned teacher be assigned this place as I wish the people here to have a school. I could in other localities- teaching the whites-  get a salary not less than $60, [[in?]] per month paid one, but I am willing to labor among these poor, humble people at merely living rates.
As I desire statistical information, if you can send me the "Freedmen's Reporter" or any document containing your latest report for Georgia, which you can share, will greatly oblige
Very respectfully, 
Philip I Humpton

Transcription Notes:
*could be Mr Cooper?