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Crawfordville, Dec 16th, 1867.

Mr Ware

Sir, I have been waiting the action of the colored people of town relative to securing a school among them, and this must be my apology for not sooner communicating with you. They have promised to use their utmost endeavors towards paying my board and if they succeed in securing it I shall probably commence the 1st of Jan. You will therefore please forward my commission by that time with all necessary arrangements and particulars. Do you pay monthly in advance, or at the end of each month? The former teacher had been receiving $30. per month and his board. It seems to me that my position, education, capabilities, and the high testimonials I can bring ought to entitle me to an equal sum or at least something approximating to it. Cannot you secure for me $25 or at least $20 pr month? I am very needy, and even $5.00 pr month would make a very material difference with me. Please favor me if possible. Let me hear from you soon and pray do the best you can for me.
Yours Respectfully,
Emma Woods.
Mr E A Ware,                
Atlanta Georgia.