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Louisville Jefferson Co Ga. Decr 22nd 1867


E. A. Ware.
Atlanta Ga


I take the liberty to trouble you by repenting that I have been trying to keep open a Freedman's School at this place by the assistance of the Freedmen themselves for five months but all to no purpose. I reported my school for the month of July last to you 47 pupils, but I could not collect even ($8) eight dollars to pay the Rent for the school house. For the months of Sept and Oct (I had a [[?]] in Aug) I had also to pay the rent for the school house, which I have not been able to collect. In the mean time I have had to pay very high rates for board &c. so that I am now about out of money with very little prospect of collecting anything of note from Freedmen. In this emergency, I ask your assistance to procure for me a school somewhere in the State, that will at least, furnish me with the means of subsistance. Will you let me hear from you soon?

Most sincerely and respectfully
Yours &c &c
Benj'n Ayer

E.A. Ware
Supt of Education for the State of Ga.
Atlanta Ga

P.S. The school has run down altogether here