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is, briefly stated, this:

Some two months or more ago, I was in Major F. Mosebach's office, and the school subject was for a few minutes under consideration. I understood the major to say that See was Local Superintendent for Newton. Hence I very naturally addressed him as such. Supposing you had appointed him as such.

 The same day I had the conversation with Major M. I called to see you, but you had not recovered from an attack of fever and were not in your office. (At least you were reported as ill) I conversed a few moments with Major Lewis and alluded to See as Local Superintendent. Major L. did not correct me, but he may not have noticed the remark. This is the explanation. Trust that it is satisfactory;

I am Sir,
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Srvt.
Geo M Nolan
Agent &c.

Transcription Notes:
changed the period on the first line to ":".