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Stoughton Sunday Morning.

Dear Doris

  As there is not much doing I'll begin my weekly epistle to you.  Well this has been a very busy week and I have been hard at it all the week, trying to clean house and making my jacket beside, and today I have been scratching around out doors, like an old hen, but the wind is North and not good to stay out long at a time.  The grass is growing and trees are started, this morning I moved a little peach tree that had come up directly in front of the steps, at the glass door.  I intend to have more flowers this summer, my seeds are coming up fine in boxes I planted in the house.  Pa says our mayflower is doing well it has three fine cluster of buds this spring.  Pa has just dug a big trench and guess he intends cleaning out his back house soon.  it costs money to hire it done these times.  He has just called Ring over to see his things and has skin the ranch to give him a bunch of forsythias, Pa likes to do such things, so did Hazel when we had company she would strip the rose bushes for them.  Our two little maple trees I guess are going to live, yesterday it poured hard from early morning till noon, and then cleared off cool with a north wind, and today we need a fire to keep warm.  I suppose today you are off to Cabin John.   I dreamed about you both the other night and I saw Sidney was brown as an Indian and thought well this is the good color that Doris spoke of in her letter.
  I dont hear anything of Bertha Green.  Amy has been home on