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a short vacation but has gone back home again. Ellis Crane is worried about Lottie and told Pa he did not think she would ever be much better. She has a kidney trouble and cant see much, and is very much reduced in flesh, and also bothered about breathing, same as Abbie Joel I guess.  as near as I can find out, Tina was speaking about her, she sayed Ellie was bad he bloated like the Hollbrooks, they are dropsical.  And his mother has been fine all winter long. She has lived longer than any one of the family, she declares she wont die of dropsy. Anna Monk has cut the tops off some of the trees back of the barn, on our land, so they wont shade her things, cheeky enough for two rows of teeth, darn hog. Pa went off riding with Vanston and Ward members of the security bank com over Avon way and as they drove by the Brocton Reservoir they had to go by Charleys old place on South St, and said the ones that bought his old house, had built on a piece out back, as large as the main house think it must look odd. Elisha's folks with all the money they have had fall to them, dont seem to fix up their place any. Mort Lamb settles Ellen Woods property, and he says, that Elisha is spending his money buying up (farrow cows) he grows lazier with every added year that goes over his head. Well Pa has used the ink all up writing his letter while I was resting but there is not much more for me to write I guess. it has clouded up and looks like more rain April is showery and unsettled. Well I have got to sweep my front room so I will have to draw this letter to a close and be about it I guess.
hope you will be able to read this mess
from Ma.