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she brought me some more stockings and a  breast pin with a green stone, putty, so now I am well suplied with foot wear. By the way I helped Lena shampoo her hair she did mine just before she went back before. I was sorry I had neglected to do Syds Union suits, so after I got your letter, I sat right down and fixed them, and Pa sent them off Saturday morning now that is done I hope they fit. I have got all the flowers out in the garden and this morning we had a great time wetting down. I am in hopes it rains before morning, for that will cool the earth. our little birds flew out of the nest, this morning and we are afraid of the darn cats. I would like to drown a few around our house. they are too numerous. Pa sawed down the chery tree and elm in our front yard, they were both dead, it was an improvement too. Dr Chase died just a week ago tonight they found him so in the morning Erving told Pa that he would gone the other time if he hadnt treated him as he did he thought he was going as it was. Well this is all there is to tell this time.