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her so he dares not to come near, the teachers are all afraid of him, but she isn't and the principal she has got under her thumb also.  I guess they find she knows what she is about and are anxious to please her.  Sunday of last week and Monday also were terrible hot days your Pa had an awful sick time, it lasted all night and the next day, going both ways, I never slept a wink all night.  but he is over it now. he though it was the roast pork I guess those two hot days coming on so sudden had something to do with it. Mort Lamb has just called up and wants to know if we would like to come down and see the picture he has jus finished of our old place. A fire today in the kitchen seems the proper thing it is damp and chilly without the sun. Pa brought home a very pretty Easter lilly with one flower and another one opening and two more buds, short and stubby plant. The two old batchelors  Dennis, and Gene Toomey, have just gone by they are walking this spring a good deal. health & support Ma.