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I noticed as I was hanging out the clothes a nest of four young squirrels up in the old pine tree, the old tree is seeing its last days for it is slowly losing grounds we all hate to see it die. Well Hirum Burns was buried from his fathers yesterday afternoon. his mother is in poor shape they say. Sids ma had a bad spell last Thursday the worst one she has ever had I believe, the doctor was there three times, gas around the heart. Mr Johnson called it he and Milly are to be married the fifteenth of this month and Lester is to be married soon also, and they are all coming home to live. Gertrude dont like it a mite they are an awful noisy family she says, now is a time she wants it quiet for her "celebration" comes of in July she showed me her little things she has made for it, she worked in Strattons and took advantage of the pieces and made lots of little useful things out of them, say she is a wonderful little being, she likes to sew and make her home look nice and she has succeeded beyond any thing you could imagine, Well I will say adieu

Well it has been a busy week not in trade at stare as that end is mighty slow, but at home it has been the other way Tuesday I did not have the half day, but Tuesday evening Dykeman came and began to paint all the spare time I had I painted also, but it is slow work for me. Thursday not time for paint as it was Chapter night a light Lunch only. Today I planted two long rows of Beans hoping they would be ready for shell Bean by the time you are home I put in 20 or more hills of Patatoes and your Ma helped me set out her Tomatoes plants some 2 doz they are small but