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[[scrimist]] is the material. 19ets o yard they are pretty I had to cut them short for there was'nt enough cloths, go all there was in the piece,
    I guess Lena isn't coming to might, I was waiting for her to try on the dress, so to finish it up. I met Bertha down in honks old store and she told me she was coming up in our neighborhood to live, she had the first refusal of the little new house being built down below us. I tried to pay her for your dress, but she wouldn't take anything for cutting it, she looked real pretty, dresses becomingely for a wonder. I called on Helen Ballerd she spoke of the card you sent her and was pleased, + asked for your old dress. Pa says Henry Britton is bad. he is back again after his sickness, he don't have much strength. I suppose you are looking ahead to your new work. hope it will be all you think it's going to be to you. meanwhile I think the rest, won't come amis with you, perhaps to get in a little cooking might be pleasing to you both, that is, if it turned out well, you must not look for perfection at first. What did Ruth say in her letter believe you said you got one from her. Miss Susan Reals was brought to town yesterday to be buried, she died suddenly only sick her other days. Charles came on with the body and inquired for you the first thing on entering Pa's store. A great long obitury carefully written up about the family genealogy prepared ahead for this special occasion of course. Well in another hour Pa will come these Saturday nights are tedious from 5 till 1/2 past 9 o clock