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bobbie has just gone down cellar to cool off, its growing hotter every minute and seems like we would have another shower. I have not been over to Abbies since Tuesday since I have changed ice men Murphy doesnt get around until afternoon so thats keeps me until to late to go 
any where but it is cooler at home, so it is just as well perhaps and then Lena comes home early the same as you used to. it seemes so long ago since you were here at home, do you like in the new place I think you must enjoy your piazza and should think that hot nights you could sleep out there. How is Chippie  can he keep cool this weather. I pitty the dummy if he cant. 
  Edith Rose is spending her vacation taking care of Winnies babies poor thing  Richard is growing worse to manage every day, his mother cant manage him on the street at all she takes the two every time she goes too bad.

Stoughton July 27th

Dear Doris-
  Your two letters came to us together on Thursday's morning mail. We were all anxious to hear from you as we had been looking all the week thinking, perhaps it was not easy for you to mail them as you were living so far out in the suburbs. We have had a week of terrible, sticky, muggy, weather, and for the last two days it has been much better still, the gardens are coming along fine. We had summer squash beets, and cucumbers, out of the garden, for dinner, and berry pie for desert. that with a pot roast filled the bill, Since dinner Lena has been out in the yard trying to catch butterflies there are lots of them flying around nowadays the gypsies are the most plenty ful.  We think if you build your house you had better have hard wood floors well polished as they are easy to keep clean.  Mabe though