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bound to get some use of it. I hope by this time your digestive organs have got straitened out. Some cider would be good to take, the harder the better. Oranges are also good for you, you might have taken a little cold, there is lots of stomac troubles going the rounds in town, also  diptheria, its the sudden changes in the weather.  We are going to have beet hash with shell beans and tomatoes also squash pie and doughnuts for our humble repast today, our tomatoes do hang out to beat all this season, we dont get sick of them either, they taste mighty good, I shall be sorry to have them go bye, I suppose by this time that Sid has heard of the marriage of his friend Hattie Ripley to Nobbie Drake  I think they are rightly mated and its a great pitty they hadnot come together sooner. animal natures you know. The Brocton fair has been going on this past week, so that I have not been over all the week, to Knutes to make pies, but expect to go tomorrow. Pa does not hear them say anything about Amy but think he will inquire. I dont think of any more to write about so will draw this to a close hoping your old darky has got to doing the washing for you.
