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towards keeping comfortable. After dinner well while at dinner Horace and in a little while Amos came in then we gave it up as a bad job, they have just gone, and Pa has gone up to the cemetery, and I finished my dinner. Horace is looking a little older. he seemed to have enjoyed his journey and said he wished I could have gone their trip home he said cost three hundred dollars which he said George paid + he says there are some days he makes that amount I guess he is a smart electrician, according to his tell, and has two smart boys but they are allowed to do as they are a mind to perhaps, they'l come out all right in the end though. I hope by this time you have found a place do let us know your new address for we are going to send a box of Apples that are waiting for you it will be no thanks giving without you for us, although, Lena poor child, will be here, and I doubt if the turkey will come, they are so high priced, I always am glad when the day is over and forgotten there are too many sad remembrances connected with it, Abbie will be alone and is dreading it also. Well I have just finished the rest of my washing did most of it yesterday the clothes froze stiff yesterday after dark now its 48° at two in the afternoon so you see its warming up. this is hoping your atmosphere  around the home is clear and you once more have pleasanter well good By for now Ma