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I have been busy all the week was out to Bank Monday evening Tuesday was busy at home took a log to mill to have saved for a front sill to the porch have got to go later to it and then I dug a little I have been on the streets for 4 days this week the coming week all the time. Thursday evng at Blue Lodge Friday Cemetry [[Cemetery]] meeting last night after I closed up Dr Faxon had me go to the [[Chicle?]] club to draw off an Auctn they have been selling chances in for a long time I had no ticket and did not belong to Club. I got home about 11 so you can see what kind of a week I have had Today I put in a long time over to Barn on the horse (you can have him all you want to drive) Then got the plow, chain, and whippletree ready to plough some time I then took off the storm windows in Front room and kitchen window and