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Dec 19th 1923
Dear Cousin Arthur,
I hope you will pardon my delay in 
acknowledging your package of stamps which are very acceptable. I have not been feeling very good for the past week and that is my excuse. My head and eyes sort of went back on me. Kenny has been in since Saturday with a cold, but it is better, and wishes me to thank you for the letter about the Cemetery Lots. I know there are several stamps among your lot that I have not got, and as Helen has a letter collection than I she will share with me. you spoke of saving some for Doris and Sidney, I wonder if you have some, or plenty from Denmark. I had a letter from Greenland yesterday with some stamps that were now to me. and Greenland is under Denmark government so if you have none like than I will be very glad to add them to your collection.
The rest of the family are well or were yesterday and we are to spend Christmas over there, you will see a little change in the attack back of our home as the "Hen Fence" is down, and every body is glad. 
Remember us both to Lucy, and we hope you will have