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her leaving you. Doris is nice to write you so often. I was surprised to receive a Christmas card from Mrs Wallace P. Capen, for I have not heard from her for two or three years. Ada and Oscar had a card also. Mailed from Wilmington Vermont so I suppose she must be there. It would be nice if I could live nearer so I could run in and see you often, I think of Mattie Sewall often, living as she does. it does seem very hard to be left as she is. I really do not see how she stands it. I always hear from Clara Russell in Maine each Holiday season, I wrote her a letter as usual, but have not heard any thing this year, I would think his son or his wife would let me know

Arlington, Jan. 9 – 1936,

Dear Cousin:—

It seemed like a long time since hearing from you, I wondered if you were keeping as well. I have been fortunate in being as well to keep going so long. Your letters are always interesting for you have so many people to write about I am interested to hear about, Hattie S. must be very able to do so much. It has been so many years since I saw her, suppose would not know her if I met her,