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January 24th, 1942.

Dear Mrs. Holmes:

I was delighted to receive your lovely letter thru your dear daughter, Mrs. Blake. She is a dear and precious friend and I love her and her family very much.

I am so glad you found the calendar and card of use. I think you are remarkable! So near the century mark and writing so wonderfully. I appreciate your letter more than I can say.

I am taking the liberty of enclosing another copy of the calendar, in event of one of your friends would like to have a copy. 

There is also enclosed a booklet entitled"The Upper Room" which my relatives find very enjoyable and helpful, so I am sending an extra copy to my dear friend, Mrs. Holmes. If you have it then perhaps you can find some one to pass this copy on to.

Fear not! Be at peace within your own dear self, and do not gather up the discord of the outer world, and you will sail majestically along life's way.

With love and best wished, 
Most sincerely, 
Caroline Schieber.

800 N. Cleveland Street
Arlington, Virginia.