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again but on going on deck the fresh air fixed me all right & every time I would go down below I would feel the same way & coming on deck would set me right. After a few hours the wind changed right about & with sails set we went along rapidly. At night the vessel rolled very much as the wind had shifted & the waves were neither before nor behind but struck the vessel sideways. When morning came the waves had righted themselves and were rolling with the wind again & striking the vessel in the stern. The day before I had been in the habit of going aft to get out of the way of the waves that would wash over the bow of the vessel & today I did the same not thinking the wind had changed when all at once a large wave came washing over the stern and striking me from head to foot. I went forward & was not known to go aft again while the waves were high. The sea soon grew calmer & every thing went on in a monotinous way that was very tiresome indeed till we "sighted" land. We would once in a while see a ship or a steamer sometimes two or three at a time & again not see anything for a day or two. Most of the vessels we passed were at a distance only one or two came near enough for us to see the men on board. We passed over the Newfoundland Banks after we had been out four or five