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account of its Cathedral.

Antwerp in Belgium was the home of Rubens and Van Dyck the old Flemish painters. There I saw the original of Rubens Descent from the Cross a photograph of which you have on the wall and it is the finest picture he painted. I do not care for most his things. His "Last Judgement" (a photograph of which you have also which is erroniously [[erroneously]] attributed to Michael Angelo [[Michelangelo]]) is here and every common pitcute it is too. Brussells is a fine city a kind of small Paris. But Paris is the finest city. More pictures and more sculptures than any where else. It is the only place in the whole world where decent modern sculpture is produced. I saw many fine things there which had been done since I left ten years ago. I saw some of my old friends there and I almost [[strikethrough]] regretted [[/strikethrough]] regretted not having stayed there instead of going through Spain and Italy. There are fine things here but I will hardly have time to see them now. Love to all