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was quite festive. She had made many pretty cornucopias out of different kinds of figured paper, and many other ornaments that her fertile brain conceived. On her dresser, too, she had set up a little folding screen covered with biblical pictures, and in front of hat he had a little manger that she herself had made, and in that she had the little baby in swaddling clothes with a lace-trimmed covering slightly thrown over the lower part. I wish that you could see the things that she makes. She is certainly a genius and an artist. She got a lot of good presents. Among those that I remember were four sets of stationery- two of them very fine, two pairs of stockings, some talcom powder, an electric iron, a shoulder shawl, jelly, a sewing basket containing little thimble and scissor cases and a handkerchief, a dress, tooth paste, a dollar bill, a bottle of rubbing alcohol, some sweet spirits of ammonia, a scarf, a church calendar, and a beautiful blanket. I imagine that there were other things that I have forgotton. The blanket is a woolen one lavendar on one side and yellow or gold on the other. It was given to her by the woman who reimbursed me the five dollas that I paid toward Miss Dawson's spring. She is the|widow of a dean of Harvard, Mrs. Hurlburt, a very fine woman. I took some jelly in to Miss Dawson that I made from the apples that Doris and Sid brought me in the fall. Miss Dawson at first was to sell it to Mrs. Hurlburt- she had had some of my jellies before and liked them. Then, when I saw how good she was to Miss Dawson, I told her to give it to her, and when she finally did, she told her it was from me, so I got the credit for it and a nice letter from Mrs. Hurlburt too.

I don't know what happens to this typewriter ribbon every once in a while. I hope that you won't have too much trouble reading this. If you do, just skip the light parts.

I am going to the movies with Mrs. Pettengill at six o'clock to see George Arliss. He is worth seeing. I don't go often, but I don't like to miss him if I know he is in town. I should have if Mrs. P. hadn't called my attention to the picture, though. 

I shall have to tell you about my presents next time, I guess. Doris sent me a check for five dollars, and Berenice one for ten. I think that I shall put them into a dictionary that I want very much indeed. Berenice also sent a fountain pen. That makes three I have, so I ought to be able to do some letter writing. Aunt Cora sent two large wreathss. It beats the Dutch how she tries to make up with me. I guess that now I shall have to write her a letter.

Aunt Maude cam back this fall with bunches on her- one in her neck. I went in town to Doctor Jones with her, and we find the trouble the same that uncle Ed had, very serious. Isn't it strange? He says he considers it an extraordinary coincidence, that he doesn't see any connection at all between the two cases. I had the report sent to me, so she doesn't know the matter yet, but she will suspect before long, I am afraid. I feel so sorry for her; she is only 61.

I shall look forward to a letter from you telling me about your Christmas. Thank you ever so much for my lovely present. 

Lots of love,
Let me know if I can do anything for you.