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my system.  I guess it was a bilious attack, for my eyes were yellow and I vomited bitter froth and water Sunday morning.  But the worst was the terrific pounding in my head-top-back, and temples.  I think it is strange I have to have these spells every once in a while.
Now I guess you have heard enough about all that  Did Stoughton celebrate until you were nearly driven mad?  They did here all night and all day. for several day. Yesterday in the rain delegations from many towns around joined Stoneham in a parade and playground show-off. Probably you saw pictures in the paper.
Bernice did not meet John Hollis & came back to Buffalo this spring on account of the Scarlet fever, so Mr. Andrew invited him to Brookline and proceeded to entertain him royally.  J.H. was on the go all of the time, I guess.  He took in his aunt's and a few shows and a little shopping by himself, but for the most part either Mr. Andrew himself, Sarah, Mrs. Condon, or Michael went about with him.  I think that Mr. Andrew is really very fine, but the poor man is in a terrible condition.  He is so nervous he con't sleep - about 2 hours in several nights.  He has had a tooth operated on - gums sewed, etc.  He has had shingles from his sleeplessness.  He can't bear to have a thing touched.  Old flowers Mrs. A. had are still preserved.  I do hope he gets over it soon.  
How are you both? Love and all good wishes.  Lena.